The center of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the country of Israel is a thriving place where basically all people get along. I have been there many times. I have lead groups on pilgrimages there also traveled there many times with my husband on official US/Israeli government business. While Don was working, I was playing. I rented a car and traveled from north to south and east to west. A few hints: if your car has yellow license plates (it is Israeli) and blue license plates (it is Arab). I had yellow plates and drove everywhere. I do have a few stories about that!!!! I took city buses in Tel Aviv to Haifa, cable cars in Haifa, and a one way flight from Eilat to Tel Aviv (no international ticket on me, a one way ticket bought that day, no luggage except a backpack). You guessed it, I really had to convince them I was not a terrorist!!!!! I had to call the hotel in Haifa so they could verify that I had been staying there and security had to call Don's Israeli boss to verify who I was.
Food, sightseeing, religious sites, Mediterranean Sea, Dead Sea and Red Sea, Sea of Galilee are unique and very special. The Jordan River where I was baptized again was special. I always thought it was a wide river. Not so. Only about 5 feet wide where I was baptized. I saw across the border to Lebanon and I crossed the border to Egypt on a bus. I crossed the border to Jordan on foot. I swam in the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea. I went to Bethlehem where Jesus was born.
In Jerusalem, I carried the cross on my shoulder down the Via della Rosa. I saw the place that Jesus died and rose again. Israel is special. Whether you visit Israel to learn its history as a country or its history from a religious perspective, you will not be disappointed.
My two pictures are at the airport and in Haifa. In Haifa, the picture is of the Baha'i Center.
Learn to reverence night and to put away the vulgar fear of it, for, with the banishment of night from the experience of man, there vanishes as well a religious emotion, a poetic mood, which gives depth to the adventure of humanity. Flights to New York